Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Finding My Escape to Be Featured on Kindle Nation Daily

I'm very excited to announce that my novel, Finding My Escape is going to be featured February 16 on Kindle Nation Daily

As any author will tell you, one of the biggest struggles we have (once the book is written, edited, re-edited, proofread...) is just how to go about marketing that book.  For me, it's been a bit of an enigma.  I think one of the reasons for this is that marketing, like book publishing, is changing almost daily.  What worked last year, when Amanda Hocking and John Locke launched their campaigns, just isn't going to be as successful today.

I stumbled across Kindle Nation Daily quite by accident, and decided to check it out.  I was very impressed with their success stories.  They've actually taken books with rankings of 100,000 and below up in to the top 1000 category.  (See the results here).  So I decided to take a chance with their Special Sponsored Post with Facebook Triple play.

Stay tuned for the results!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Status Update

I'd like to get back to posting regularly on this blog, but to be honest, I've been crazy busy.  Most recently, I've published Finding My Escape in paperback.

Look for a new format for this blog in the next couple of weeks. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

About Setting Goals (And Meeting Them)

So I've been thinking a lot about goals and what keeps us from reaching them.  I've never been big on setting New Year's Resolutions because (to be honest) I rarely keep them past the end of February.  Okay, okay, past the end of January.  Besides, most NYR are pretty unspecific:  I want to lose weight.  I want to write the breakout novel.  I want to stop spending so much money at Starbucks.  (Okay, that last was a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea.)

Goals, on the other hand, are much more concrete:  I want to lose 20 pounds by losing one pound a week.  I will finish my novel by writing 1000 words a day.  I'll only go to Starbucks once twice four times a week.

I've also been examining what keeps us from following through on our goals.  For me, at least, it's usually one of two things:  laziness or fear.  I don't meet my weight loss goals because I get lazy, stop working out, quit asking for non-fat lattes, and start ordering sweet tea instead of water.

The writing goal is a little more complex.  You see, I want to finish the sequel to Finding My Escape.  I want to make my blog extra pretty, and write an article for it at least two or three times a week.  What stops me here is fear.  What if my writing isn't good enough?  What if no one wants to read it?  What if (gasp) someone actually tells me he/she doesn't like what I've written?  What if I don't like what I've written?  I could go on and on.

Well this year I've decided to face my fears (and stop being lazy).  I set some concrete goals, and I plan to meet each and every one.  And I'm going to write about the journey here.  Eclectically of course.